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Good evening to you too You can change language and voice in any iGO program without problems. Can it be any data. Just put desired files in proper folders, in program setting choose bwcker. Yesterday I tried again to replace navigator. Page 2 of 2 First 1 2 Jump to page: Of course, do a search on forum, maybe there are here already Or ask if someone have them separately.

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Also "back" and "exit" buttons are in different positions. All menus on both are mostly the rtansit, with the exception that TMC on the x seems not to be available. Also, add minimal pack for fully functionality coverage. I wanted to try this navigator wonder if it is possible to have it translated into Italian or if possible translate it and how to do it.

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Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del. Now with the language file you posted is all ok. Hi Bazz 800x840 older version of data zip did you use and what sort of errors did you get?

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They all went to Becker unlock and then to the IGO kit. OK, but it can not be the original data. For this one are NG based.

Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu I have becker professional 6sl lmu and not actualized mapbecker has stopped sharing them. In map folder what maps is inside?

I said beforehand what does not work on him. Originally Posted by navigator. OK I know, I have read wrong but I still have a problem because the files you were uploading do not work on my version of the software.

It was from an earlier Becker Multi post.

iGO - mynavi-expert

Ensure you have a backup of your Navi files in case you stuff up! Becker Transit 70 9. Welcome guest, is this your first visit?

I found that 9. I apologize for the stupid request.

iGO - mynavi-expert

First, check if they are already in posted package. Haven't tried it in the 2DIN car device as yet, but can't see any reason why it wouldn't work. We strongly suggest that if you like the software, buy it. Lets see what Titisoim comes up with 5.

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Neither mine personal craked 9. Thanks for your help. Hecker the interface, he sees WiFi settings but the button does not respond, however the BT settings are missing.


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