I appreciate the honest, open, straightforward communication, even if the writing style is probably a bit sloppy, it aids in getting the point across. Your message has forever changed my path in this lifetime. Where fear, guilt, and shame are used to try to control children's behavior because parents believe that their children's behavior reflects their self-worth. God bless you and you are making a difference to many. One was, that other drivers were scaring me. In my notes I wrote 'chapter5: Accept the things I cannot change — change the things I can.

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I am in the process of publishing my eBooks through Smashwords which will allow me to make them available through many more outlets, including: Past lives are an excuse, a distraction, to avoid facing the realities of our current existence and to avoid feeling how precious this one life truly is.

Believing we are Spirits having a Human experience also helps in embracing his concepts. I still had some feelings of being victimized, but I could be nurturing and Loving in relationship to those feelings — and set some Loving boundaries with my inner children who were reacting out of the immediate gratification urgency coxependence a child.

Several times a year I have counseling sessions with one or both of them as they have opportunities for growth in their recovery. Codependence the Dance of Wounded Souls: Sep 22, Jennifer Sullivan rated it it was amazing.

Preview — Codependence by Robert Burney. Notify me of new posts via email.

The Dance of Wounded Souls Ebook Download | Downloadable

Up until tonight I have been disappointed in the literature and treatment of codependency. I reacted out of an ego selfishness that told me these idiots should get out of my way because I had places to go and things to do that were much more important than anything they were doing. It popped into my world at divine timing to remind and make me aware of a few things that needed my conscious presence and attention.

She kept saying how controlling, possessive, and abusive this boyfriend was and how she just couldn't understand it. Which, also, sometimes led to me driving too fast and cutting between lanes. Emma rated it it was amazing Apr 27, Luckily, this was in the days before people started shooting each other on the Freeways, or I may not have ever made it into recovery.

Codependence the Dance of Wounded Souls : Robert Burney :

To find codependebce more, including how to control cookies, see here: Heather Mcclure mann rated it it was amazing Jan 02, If you suffer from codependency its a must read. I will eventually publish Book 2 — but for now it is only available in the subscription area of my site called Dancing in Light A subscription to that area of the site is currently for sale on this page.

I can never thank you enough. Our emotional experience of love is of something controlling: Wounedd who are looking for healing for their soul should read this revelation of a book.

Overall it was a really interesting read. She mentioned several times how she had said to her daughter, "What is wrong with you!

I started seeing that my relationship with life was dysfunctional, was not working, and that I could take some action to change that relationship. Talk tje egotistical and arrogant. That is a very dysfunctional belief. They have similar ideas about love and acceptance but are put forward in a different way. I cannot express in words that which I feel as a result of having truly "heard" your message of self-love and spiritual awakening.

The reality of codependence is that we get in relationship with people who feel familiar - people who will repeat our childhood emotional dynamics.

The Dance of Wounded Souls Ebook Download

Kimme Gatlin rated it it was amazing Jul 16, And it was so painful emotionally because the subconscious intellectual paradigm that was dictating my relationship with self and life, was insane, delusional, and dysfunctional. So the effect is that we keep repeating our patterns dounded being given the reminder that it is not safe to trust ourselves or other people Once we begin healing we can see that the Truth is that it is not vodependence to trust as long as we are reacting out of the emotional wounds and attitudes of our childhoods.

The action may be to figure out an alternate route, get off the freeway at the next opportunity and take surface streets — woounded not with that feeling of life and death urgency, rather with sense of adventure.

Fo was impossible for me to have any serenity because I was giving other drivers the power to throw me into anger — which often triggered the suppressed rage I was carrying at how unfair, unjust, and painful life was.

This book helps explain our human condition and provides meaningful strategies to navigate through our jo My review Very interesting perspective on codependency.


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